Part of the "TIMESTAMP 2020 Compilation 005: Fully Charged" from Free People Records
Check out the rest of the compliation here.<
Artist Statement:
"I've always been a space nerd. When I was little, my dad would set up his telescope and point it at different planets, and he taught me about all of the different constellations. I grew up in a neighborhood very close to Lockheed Martin, and many of my friends parents worked there, and would sometimes show us objects that would be apart of the next rocket or satellite going up in space. It was always so exciting and magical, and really blew my mind as a kid. So when the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) space telescope discovered a new comet that was set to rival the brightness of Comet Hale-Bopp, I had to make sure it was something I put my eyes on.
During the summer of 2020, amidst all of the shutdowns, some friends and I decided to throw our own mini-festival and found a location to camp outdoors and play some music in Gunnison, Colorado. At the time, I had been working on some new music to fill the days as I was stuck at home and it was really the only thing keeping me feeling normal. I hadn't initially named the project file Neowise, but during our camping festival, I debuted the track to everyone, and it was during that weekend that I really got a chance to look at this newly discovered comet. People would come find me standing out in the dark, away from the stage and crowd and ask me if I was ok, and I would show them what I was looking at, and then there'd be a few of us just staring up at the sky for awhile. So after the camping trip, going back over some of the songs I was working on, it felt important to capture that moment in time. I felt like I had harnessed some of this celestial body's energy without even knowing it, as it was around from March through July. As is with all comets we can see from Earth, it was just one of those things that was ephemeral, but just looking at it gave me this sense of wonder and that feeling of being small in such a larger universe. I feel like music is that way in general, and I'm really just happy to be apart of it all.
The track itself really felt like this story of quarantine. It has this nice build, and there's some fun sounds, it's a party track and we're all just going along with it like it's all normal. It's like how everything was before we knew about Covid. But then all of the sudden, there's this contrasting, worrying sound that builds into it and takes over. Just like the news of everyone getting sick across the world. The track breaks and the harsh acid sounds build as they create this tension and anxiety that don't seem like they will go away. Everything shut down, and we were asked to stay at home and avoid all of our friends and family, in fear that we may somehow be the reason they got sick and died. Things just get crazier and crazier, and eventually they reach a climax. I think I'd relate this just to the extended tension we all felt being stuck at home for a lot longer than we thought, and everyone was going stir crazy. When the song finally drops, releasing this tension, were back at the fun loving festival vibe we were enjoying in the beginning. Now I hope we can get to that point again where the beat drops and we're all having a good time together, and I don't know when that will be, but a year later, it feels like we're at least out of the harsh anxiety of things and I believe we'll get there."
Record Label: Free People Records @FM4FP
Music and art by: Michael Figge @getfiggewitit
Release Date:
July 5th, 2022
Record Label:
Free People Records